Good day to you my friend. I hope all is well in your world.
I thought it might be nice to take a deeper look at a few versions of self and how we can get the two to work together to create wiser decisions.
Let's look at an example of waking, generally feeling unwell, burned-out, depressed, anxious, or overwhelmed. You likely have commitments for the day in any form that is your present reality. What might these different selves be saying?
Logical Self
"If I don't push through this, tomorrow is only going to be worse."
"Someone needs to get things done."
"If I just keep showing up and doing the tasks this feeling should go away."
"People are relying on me."
"I am running out of sick leave."
"I just need to set my feelings aside and deal with the task."
Emotional Self
"I can't face the day so I will just stay in bed."
"I never function at a level I feel good about."
"If I felt better, everything would be easier."
"I'm a hot mess."
"Why should I bother, I'm just going to underperform."
"Why does this always happen to me?"
Wise Self
"I can start with rescheduling a few items, then reassess."
"I can set the timer on my phone and rest for 30 minutes then reassess."
"I will shower, eat something small and if I still feel the same, start my day later with the option to reassess."
"I can stay curious about why I feel this way if it's reoccurring."
"I can own my unpleasant feelings and still go about my day."
"I can do one tiny thing to make this moment more pleasant."
Final Thoughts
I find the Wise Self to be a nice blend of the two. The Logical and Emotional Self I find are more black and white. If you tend to ignore either the logical or emotional, chances are they show up with a vengeance at some point.