I've been coping with a decent bout of adrenal fatigue (aka "burnout") lately. My partner has as well, so we are two burned out people doing the best we can, but it doesn't feel good enough. The past few days in particular, I've had a hard time managing stress. I've also noticed that I have expectations that I shouldn't feel this way still. I've been fairly patient with myself up to this point, but now I just feel done with feeling this way. I feel frustrated and angry that my body is not in agreement with my expectations. Luckily I know that during these times I am incredibly vulnerable to punishing myself instead of nurturing myself. It's like I have an acceptable level of how much self-care I deserve and then past that point it's not okay to feel unwell or self-soothe.
Have you noticed if you have a limit to how much self-care you provide for yourself?