Finely Chopped Cabbage
Fine Grain Sea Salt (no added ingredients such as anti-caking agents)
Clean your fermenting jar.
Finely chop the cabbage.
Use a food scale to measure out salt at a ratio of 2% salt to cabbage.
Massage the salt into the cabbage until reduced in size and there's enough brine to cover the cabbage once placed in the fermenting jar.
Add any additional ingredients (juniper berries, fennel seeds, etc.)
Transfer to the fermenting jar and pack it down, making sure to cover all the cabbage with brine. If you don't have a fermenting weight you can use a bit of backing paper and a clean, heavy object on it to hold the cabbage below the brine.
Burp the jar once a day and wait 10-14 days, then transfer the fridge and enjoy:)
If your sauerkraut develops mold on the top you may need to do a bit of troubleshooting before trying again. Please don't eat if you notice mold!